My favorite piece of creative work – Jari Tuyaerts

My favorite piece of creative work is the Nike “Take it to the next level” campaign from 2009, with commercial directed by Guy Ritchie.


As a soccer fan, the Nike brand and the various soccer stars featured in the spot naturally capture my imagination, but even after 15 years I still find the spot, from first person view, to give a huge “waw effect.” Something I had never seen at the time.


In addition, I still find the synergy between spot (the path a young pro takes to make it in the sports world) and the tagline “Take it to the next level” incredibly relevant. This not only in the sports world, but also outside of it. The bottom line is that no matter what you do, you have to work hard to achieve a goal. The road to whatever goal will be one of trial and error, but it’s not about how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up.


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